合 理 hé lǐ rational / reasonable / fair 公 平 gōng píng fair / impartial 正 当 zhèng dàng honest / reasonable / fair / sensible 公 正 gōng zhèng just / fair / equitable 公 道 gōng dao fair / equitable 持 平 chí píng to stay level (of exchange rate, market share etc) / fair / unbiased 集 市 jí shì market / bazaar / fair 白 嫩 bái nèn (of skin etc) fair / delicate 公 允 gōng yǔn equitable / fair 市 集 shì jí fair / market (in a public place) / small town 马 马 虎 虎 mǎ ma hū hū careless / casual / vague / not so bad / so-so / tolerable / fair 均 等 jūn děng equal / impartial / fair 公 gōng public / collectively owned / common / international (e.g. high seas, metric system, calendar) / make public / fair / just / Duke, highest of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4] / honorable (gentlemen) / father-in-law / male (animal) 允 yǔn just / fair / to permit / to allow 妤 yú handsome / fair 公 平 合 理 gōng píng hé lǐ fair / equitable 游 艺 会 yóu yì huì folk festival / fair / carnival 妵 tǒu (feminine name) / beautiful / fair 博 览 会 bó lǎn huì exposition / international fair 招 聘 会 zhāo pìn huì recruitment meeting / job fair 交 易 会 jiāo yì huì trade fair 白 皙 bái xī (of complexion or skin) fair and clear 窈 窕 yǎo tiǎo sweet, fair, and graceful (of a woman) / a seductive woman / secluded (bower) 中 正 zhōng zhèng fair and honest 广 交 会 Guǎng Jiāo Huì China Export Commodities Fair also known as the Canton Fair 不 择 手 段 bù zé shǒu duàn by fair means or foul / by hook or by crook / unscrupulously 摆 平 bǎi píng to be fair / to be impartial / to settle (a matter etc) 公 平 竞 争 gōng píng jìng zhēng fair competition 红 粉 hóng fěn rouge and powder / (fig.) the fair sex 乘 风 chéng fēng to ride the wind / to use a fair wind / to take an opportunity 光 明 正 大 guāng míng zhèng dà (of a person) honorable / not devious / (of a behavior) fair and aboveboard / without tricks / openly / (of a situation) out in the open 货 真 价 实 huò zhēn jià shí genuine goods at fair prices / (fig.) genuine / real / true 庙 会 miào huì temple fair 白 净 bái jìng (of skin) fair and clear 合 情 合 理 hé qíng hé lǐ reasonable and fair (idiom) 赶 集 gǎn jí to go to market / to go to a fair 展 销 会 zhǎn xiāo huì trade fair / sales exhibition 方 fāng square / power or involution (math.) / upright / honest / fair and square / direction / side / party (to a contract, dispute etc) / place / method / prescription (medicine) / just when / only or just / classifier for square things / abbr. for square or cubic meter 花 会 huā huì flower fair or festival 通 情 达 理 tōng qíng dá lǐ fair and reasonable (idiom) / sensible / standing to reason 直 zhí straight / to straighten / fair and reasonable / frank / straightforward / (indicates continuing motion or action) / vertical / vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters 天 网 恢 恢 tiān wǎng huī huī lit. heaven's net has wide meshes, but nothing escapes it (idiom, from Laozi 73) / fig. the way of Heaven is fair, but the guilty will not escape / you can't run from the long arm of the law 誊 写 téng xiě to transcribe / to make a fair copy 天 公 地 道 tiān gōng dì dào absolutely fair and reasonable (idiom) / equitable 庙 miào temple / ancestral shrine / CL:座[zuo4] / temple fair / great imperial hall / imperial 墟 xū ruins / (literary) village / variant of 圩[xu1] / country fair 圩 xū (dialect) country fair / country market 公 平 交 易 gōng píng jiāo yì fair dealing 兵 不 厌 诈 bīng bù yàn zhà there can never be too much deception in war / in war nothing is too deceitful / all's fair in war 公 买 公 卖 gōng mǎi gōng mài buying and selling at fair prices 疏 而 不 漏 shū ér bù lòu loose, but allows no escape (idiom, from Laozi 老子[Lao3 zi3]) / the way of Heaven is fair, but the guilty will not escape 持 平 之 论 chí píng zhī lùn fair argument / unbiased view 名 利 场 Míng lì chǎng Vanity Fair (novel and magazine title) 童 叟 无 欺 tóng sǒu wú qī cheating neither old nor young (idiom) / treating youngsters and old folk equally scrupulously / Our house offers sincere treatment to all and fair trade to old and young alike. 公 平 审 判 权 gōng píng shěn pàn quán the right to a fair trial 公 平 贸 易 gōng píng mào yì fair trade 公 心 gōng xīn desire for the public good / sense of fair play 善 风 shàn fēng fair wind 天 公 地 道 地 道 tiān gōng dì dào dì dào absolutely fair and reasonable (idiom) / equitable 天 网 恢 恢 , 疏 而 不 失 tiān wǎng huī huī , shū ér bù shī lit. heaven's net has wide meshes, but nothing escapes it (idiom, from Laozi 73) / fig. the way of Heaven is fair, but the guilty will not escape / you can't run from the long arm of the law 清 议 qīng yì fair criticism / just comment 界 内 球 jiè nèi qiú ball within bounds (sports) / in / fair ball (baseball) 老 少 无 欺 lǎo shào wú qī cheating neither old nor young / treating youngsters and old folk equally scrupulously / Our house offers sincere treatment to all and fair trade to old and young alike. 游 艺 团 yóu yì tuán group of actors or acrobats at a fair / theatrical troupe 钻 谋 zuān móu to use influence to get what one wants / to find a way through (esp. corrupt) / to succeed by means fair or foul 清 图 qīng tú fair chart / fair sheet / smooth sheet 国 际 旅 游 节 guó jì lu:3 yóu jié International Tourism Fair 国 际 航 空 航 天 博 览 会 International Air and Space Fair 公 平 审 判 gōng píng shěn pàn fair trial 公 平 价 格 fair price 公 平 财 政 分 配 制 fair share financing 全 非 贸 易 博 览 会 All-Africa Trade Fair 通 用 公 平 市 价 generic fair market value 生 物 多 样 性 技 术 展 览 会 Biodiversity Technology Fair 合 理 利 润 hé lǐ lì rùn fair returns 合 理 收 益 hé lǐ shōu yì fair returns 在 发 生 海 上 事 故 时 公 正 对 待 船 员 的 指 南 Guidelines on Fair Treatment of Seafarers in the Event of a Maritime Accident 非 洲 -阿 拉 伯 贸 易 展 览 会 Afro-Arab Trade Fair 亚 太 国 际 贸 易 博 览 会 Asia-Pacific International Trade Fair 自 由 和 公 正 的 选 举 free and fair elections 创 新 博 览 会 Innovation Fair 全 球 贸 易 博 览 会 和 投 资 论 坛 Global Trade Fair and Investment Forum 非 洲 - 阿 拉 伯 联 合 贸 易 展 销 会 组 织 委 员 会 Joint Afro-Arab Trade Fair Organizing Committee 伊 斯 兰 贸 易 博 览 会 Islamic Trade Fair 1992年 区 域 贸 易 博 览 会 1992 Regional Trade Fair 获 得 公 平 审 判 的 权 利 问 题 特 别 报 告 员 Special Rapporteurs on the right to a fair trial 电 视 制 作 者 国 际 博 览 会 International Fair of Television Producers 联 合 国 新 闻 博 览 会 United Nations Information Fair 通 用 公 平 市 价 因 数 generic fair market value factor 关 于 自 由 公 平 选 举 标 准 的 宣 言 Declaration on Criteria for Free and Fair Elections 柬 埔 寨 自 由 公 平 选 举 委 员 会 Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia 自 由 公 平 选 举 联 盟 Coalition for Free and Fair Elections 紧 急 状 态 下 保 护 人 权 特 别 是 公 平 审 判 权 利 The protection of human rights under states of emergency, particularly the right to a fair trial 可 持 续 发 展 委 员 会 伙 伴 关 系 博 览 会 Commission on Sustainable Development Partnerships Fair 公 平 合 理 审 判 fair and just trial 亚 洲 国 际 丝 绸 博 览 会 Asian International Silk Fair 自 由 和 公 平 的 选 举 进 程 free and fair electoral process 公 允 列 报 fair presentation 公 充 价 值 gōng chōng jià zhí fair value (accounting) 三 月 街 Sān yuè Jiē Third Month Fair, traditional festival of the Bai Nationality 白族[Bai2 zu2]