- 房间的角落里整整齐齐地放著一叠书。
There was a neat pile of books in the corner of the room.
- 您是乌鲁木齐人吗?
Are you from Urumqi?
- 在乌鲁木齐有四万个摄像机。
There are forty thousand cameras in Urumqi.
- 我们的社会良莠不齐。
In our society we find men of integrity along with crooks.
- 我的妻子是乌鲁木齐人。
My wife is a native of Ürümqi.
- 我的房间很乱。我必须把它弄整齐。
My room is very untidy. I must put it in order.
- 有的人将齐柏林飞艇视为有史以来最伟大的乐队。
Some people consider Led Zeppelin to be the greatest band there has ever been.