- 房间的角落里整整齐齐地放著一叠书。
There was a neat pile of books in the corner of the room.
- 他把足踝扭伤了,整整一个月不能走路。
A sprained ankle disabled him from walking for a month.
- 难民从整个国家涌来。
Refugees poured in from all over the country.
- 全面罢工瘫痪了整个国家。
The general strike paralyzed the whole country.
- 整个小区对这个消息很惊讶。
The whole neighborhood was surprised at the news.
- 冷空气疾风席卷整栋房子。
A blast of cold air swept through the house.
- 她整晚睡不着。
She lay awake all night.
- 明天你一整天都会在这里吗?
Will you all be here tomorrow?
- 百合的香气充满了整个房间。
A smell of lilies filled the room.
- 这场战役让拿破崙称霸了整个欧洲。
This battle left Napoleon master of Europe.