称之为 | chēng zhī wéi | to call it... / known as... | |
另存为 | lìng cún wèi | save as (a file) | |
另存为 | lìng cún wéi | Save As ... (menu option in a software application) | |
被誉为 | bèi yù wéi | to be regarded as / to be known as / to be famed as / to be reputed to be | |
性行为 | xìng xíng wéi | sexual behavior | |
不失为 | bù shī wéi | can still be considered (to be...) / may after all be accepted as | |
难为情 | nán wéi qíng | embarrassed | |
行为学 | xíng wéi xué | ethologie | |
康有为 | Kāng Yǒu wéi | Kang Youwei (1858-1927), Confucian intellectual, educator and would-be reformer, main leader of the failed reform movement of 1898 | |
被视为 | bèi shì wéi | to be viewed as / to be seen as / to be considered to be / to be deemed | |
不作为 | bù zuò wéi | nonfeasance / omission (law) | |
人为的 | | anthropogenic | |
不为过 | bù wéi guò | not an exaggeration / not excessive / not wide of the mark | |
犍为县 | Qián wèi xiàn | Qianwei county in Leshan 樂山|乐山[Le4 shan1], Sichuan | |
人为土 | Rén wéi tǔ | anthrosol (soil taxonomy) | |
统称为 | tǒng chēng wéi | collectively known as / to call sth as a group | |
无为县 | Wú wéi xiàn | Wuwei county in Chaohu 巢湖[Chao2 hu2], Anhui | |
以此为 | yǐ cǐ wéi | to regard as / to treat as | |
走为上 | zǒu wéi shàng | see 三十六計,走為上策|三十六计,走为上策[san1 shi2 liu4 ji4 , zou3 wei2 shang4 ce4] | |
以人为本 | yǐ rén wéi běn | people-oriented | |
不以为然 | bù yǐ wéi rán | not to accept as correct (idiom) / to object / to disapprove / to take exception to | |
无能为力 | wú néng wéi lì | impotent (idiom) / powerless / helpless | |
侵权行为 | qīn quán xíng wéi | tort / infringement (of sb's rights) | |
自以为是 | zì yǐ wéi shì | to believe oneself infallible (idiom) / to be opinionated | |
所作所为 | suǒ zuò suǒ wéi | one's conduct and deeds | |
鲜为人知 | xiǎn wéi rén zhī | rarely known to anyone (idiom) / almost unknown / secret to all but a few | |
见义勇为 | jiàn yì yǒng wéi | to see what is right and act courageously (idiom, from Analects) / to stand up bravely for the truth / acting heroically in a just cause | |
犯罪行为 | fàn zuì xíng wéi | criminal activity | |
叹为观止 | tàn wéi guān zhǐ | (idiom) to gasp in amazement / to acclaim as the peak of perfection | |
相依为命 | xiāng yī wéi mìng | mutually dependent for life (idiom) / to rely upon one another for survival / interdependent | |
习以为常 | xí yǐ wéi cháng | accustomed to / used to | |
左右为难 | zuǒ yòu wéi nán | (idiom) between a rock and a hard place / in a dilemma | |
不足为奇 | bù zú wéi qí | not at all surprising (idiom) | |
行为准则 | xíng wéi zhǔn zé | code of conduct / standard of conduct | |
人满为患 | rén mǎn wéi huàn | packed with people / overcrowded / overpopulation | |
欺诈行为 | | fraud | |
信以为真 | xìn yǐ wéi zhēn | to take sth to be true | |
步步为营 | bù bù wéi yíng | to advance gradually and entrench oneself at every step / to consolidate at every step | |
化为乌有 | huà wéi wū yǒu | to go up in smoke / to vanish | |
尽力而为 | jìn lì ér wéi | to try one's utmost / to strive | |
混为一谈 | hùn wéi yī tán | to confuse one thing with another (idiom) / to muddle | |
大有可为 | dà yǒu kě wéi | with great prospects for the future (idiom) / well worth doing | |
助人为乐 | zhù rén wéi lè | pleasure from helping others (idiom) | |
化险为夷 | huà xiǎn wéi yí | to turn peril into safety (idiom) / to avert disaster | |
胡作非为 | hú zuò fēi wéi | to run amok (idiom) / to commit outrages | |
据为己有 | jù wéi jǐ yǒu | to take for one's own / to expropriate | |
好自为之 | hǎo zì wéi zhī | to do one's best / to shape up / to behave / to fend for oneself / you're on your own | |
一言为定 | yī yán wéi dìng | (idiom) it's a deal / that's settled then | |
反败为胜 | fǎn bài wéi shèng | to turn defeat into victory (idiom) / to turn the tide | |
各自为政 | gè zì wéi zhèng | to do things each in one's own way | |
变废为宝 | | waste for wealth | |
破涕为笑 | pò tì wéi xiào | to turn tears into laughter (idiom) / to turn grief into happiness | |
无所作为 | wú suǒ zuò wéi | attempting nothing and accomplishing nothing (idiom) / without any initiative or drive / feckless | |
大有作为 | dà yǒu zuò wéi | to accomplish much / to have good prospects / to have a promising future | |
胆大妄为 | dǎn dà wàng wéi | daring / presumptuous / daredevil | |
引以为戒 | yǐn yǐ wéi jiè | to take sth as a warning (idiom) / to draw a lesson from a case where things turned out badly | |
夷为平地 | yí wéi píng dì | to level / to raze to the ground | |
占为己有 | zhàn wéi jǐ yǒu | to appropriate to oneself (what rightfully belongs to others) | |
狼狈为奸 | láng bèi wéi jiān | villains collude together (idiom) / to work hand in glove with sb (to nefarious ends) | |
下不为例 | xià bù wéi lì | not to be repeated / not to be taken as a precedent / just this once | |
化整为零 | huà zhěng wéi líng | to break up the whole into pieces (idiom) / dealing with things one by one / divide and conquer | |
助纣为虐 | zhù Zhòu wéi nu:è | lit. helping tyrant Zhou 商紂王|商纣王[Shang1 Zhou4 wang2] in his oppression (idiom) / fig. to take the side of the evildoer / giving succor to the enemy | |
眼见为实 | yǎn jiàn wéi shí | seeing is believing | |
转危为安 | zhuǎn wēi wéi ān | to turn peril into safety (idiom) / to avert a danger (esp. political or medical) | |
暴力行为 | bào lì xíng wéi | act of violence | |
化敌为友 | huà dí wéi yǒu | to convert an enemy into a friend (idiom) | |
无所不为 | wú suǒ bù wéi | not stopping at anything / all manner of evil | |
一吐为快 | yī tǔ wéi kuài | to get sth off one's chest | |
量入为出 | liàng rù wéi chū | to assess one's income and spend accordingly (idiom) / to live within one's means / You can only spend what you earn. | |
逼良为娼 | bī liáng wéi chāng | to force an honest girl into prostitution (idiom) / to debauch | |
画地为牢 | huà dì wéi láo | lit. to be confined within a circle drawn on the ground (idiom) / fig. to confine oneself to a restricted range of activities | |
融为一体 | róng wéi yī tǐ | to fuse together (idiom) / hypostatic union (religion) | |
蔚为大观 | wèi wéi dà guān | to afford a magnificent sight (idiom) / enchanting | |
不以为意 | bù yǐ wéi yì | not to mind / unconcerned | |
不足为训 | bù zú wéi xùn | not to be taken as an example / not an example to be followed / not to be taken as authoritative | |
察察为明 | chá chá wéi míng | keenly observant of trivial details | |
慈悲为本 | cí bēi wéi běn | mercy as the guiding principle (idiom) / the Buddhist teaching that nothing is valid except compassion | |
倒果为因 | dào guǒ wéi yīn | to reverse cause and effect / to put the horse before the cart | |
反客为主 | fǎn kè wéi zhǔ | lit. the guest acts as host (idiom) / fig. to turn from passive to active behavior | |
奉为圭臬 | fèng wéi guī niè | to take as a guiding principle (idiom) | |
敢作敢为 | gǎn zuò gǎn wéi | to stop at nothing (idiom) / to dare to do anything | |
好为人师 | hào wéi rén shī | to like to lecture others (idiom) | |
合而为一 | hé ér wéi yī | to merge together (idiom) / to unify disparate elements into one whole | |
画地为狱 | huà dì wéi yù | see 畫地為牢|画地为牢[hua4 di4 wei2 lao2] | |
化为泡影 | huà wéi pào yǐng | to come to nothing (idiom) | |
互为因果 | hù wéi yīn guǒ | mutually related karma (idiom) / fates are intertwined / interdependent | |
户限为穿 | hù xiàn wèi chuān | an endless stream of visitors (idiom) | |
进退为难 | jìn tuì wéi nán | no room to advance or to retreat (idiom) / without any way out of a dilemma / trapped / in an impossible situation | |
宽大为怀 | kuān dà wéi huái | magnanimous (idiom) / generous | |
量力而为 | liàng lì ér wéi | to weigh one's abilities and act accordingly / to act according to one's means / to cut one's coat according to one's cloth | |
勉为其难 | miǎn wéi qí nán | to tackle a difficult job (idiom) / to do sth reluctantly | |
偶一为之 | ǒu yī wéi zhī | to do sth once in a while (idiom) / to do sth more as an exception than the rule | |
善自为谋 | shàn zì wéi móu | to be good at working for one's own profit (idiom) | |
歃血为盟 | shà xuè wéi méng | to smear the lips with blood when taking an oath (idiom) / to swear a sacred oath | |
舍己为公 | shě jǐ wèi gōng | to give up one's private interests for the public good (idiom) / to behave altruistically / selfless and public spirited | |
舍己为人 | shě jǐ wèi rén | to abandon self for others (idiom, from Analects) / to sacrifice one's own interest for other people / altruism | |
视为畏途 | shì wéi wèi tú | to view as dangerous (idiom) / afraid to do sth | |
视为知己 | shì wéi zhī jǐ | to consider sb as close friend (idiom) / to take into one's confidence | |
事在人为 | shì zài rén wéi | the matter depends on the individual (idiom) / it is a matter for your own effort / With effort, one can achieve anything. | |
四海为家 | sì hǎi wéi jiā | to regard the four corners of the world all as home (idiom) / to feel at home anywhere / to roam about unconstrained / to consider the entire country, or world, to be one's own | |
肆意妄为 | sì yì wàng wéi | see 恣意妄為|恣意妄为[zi4 yi4 wang4 wei2] | |
先睹为快 | xiān dǔ wéi kuài | joy of first experience (idiom) / the pleasure of reading sth for the first time | |
先入为主 | xiān rù wéi zhǔ | the first impression is the strongest / to hold a preconceived notion (about sth) | |
削职为民 | xuē zhí wéi mín | demotion to commoner (idiom) | |
养虎为患 | yǎng hǔ wéi huàn | lit. to nurture a tiger invites calamity / fig. to indulge one's enemy is asking for trouble (idiom) | |