- 这次面试的意义是评断你合不合适这家公司。
The purpose of this interview is to assess whether or not you are suitable for the company.
- 这对我正合适。
That suits me all right.
- UN代表联合国。
UN stands for the United Nations.
- 价钱很合理。
The price is reasonable.
- 不会看场合。
Unable to sense the situation.
- 这对我太合适了。
Suits me fine.
- 这条裙子很适合你。
The dress suits you very well.
- 你跟老板合得来吗?
Do you get along with your boss?
- 把面粉和两颗鸡蛋混合。
Mix the flour with two eggs.
- 那条连衣裙很适合您。
That dress looks good on you.